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 VIRTUAL VISITS (45 minutes)


Through Zoom, Google, or Skype, I would love to visit your school and chat with students about how biographies are created. Perfect for 2nd-5th graders, my virtual visit includes the following:


Reading of one of my biographies (10 minutes):

Slideshow on writing biographies (20 minutes): 

  • Topics discussed: inspiration, timeframes, character growth, themes, and resources.  
  • My favorite writing tips.
  • Sneak peek at my next biography.


Q&A with students (15 minutes):

  • Time for students to ask questions about research, writing, and publishing.
  • If students/teachers prefer to read the book in class prior to the visit, 10 minutes can be added to the Q&A time.


2024-2025 School Year: $300 per virtual visit.

These virtual visits also include:

  • Easy book-ordering process through Author Visit Central. Bonus: for every 15 books sold, the school will get a free book for the library or for a student who wasn't able to order one.
  • Personalized bookplates for students (mailed to teacher)
  • A list of my favorite biographies (emailed to the teacher)

To schedule a Virtual Visit, please contact me.